Saturday, August 9, 2008

up on the roof




Space in New York is a precious commodity. An apartment with a backyard? I can honestly say that I have seriously contemplated some spaces with major flaws purely because of the urban dream that is the backyard. What's that you say Mr. Broker Man? No windows? Who needs sun? Uneven floors? Slip and slide parties! I can justify imperfections for days if you give me some outdoor space. A concrete slab? Sounds good to me. Just give a place for a grill and I am one happy girl. I am currently enamored with my terrace/fire escape/herb garden. (hey! It's mine..I can embellish, can't I?)
Fortunately for us, however, there is one thing in New York that we have in abundance, and that is rooftops. And the longer we can drag out a party before the police break it up, the better. So here's to summertime rooftop parties. Drink that punch, and if you don't like the food..bring some of your own. There's nothing like chicken and tostones on a gorgeous summer evening. Delicious!

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